Supreme Deer Oil Heat Rub
Supreme Deer Oil Heat Rub uses a unique oil extracted from the 'Dew Claw' and 'Tail' of the Deer. It is blended with natural Herbal oils such as peppermint and ginger. The oil is very scarce and precious and has very good penetrative effect, reaching deep into the skin and muscle while moisturizing and nourishing the skin.
Fast and effective relief from pain and soreness associated with exercise and muscle fatigue. Moisturising and nourishing the skin. Improving joint mobility and relief from joint pain. Caution Avoid contact with eyes. External use only. Store below 30° C and in dry place. Supreme deer oil heat rub (50mg )
紐西蘭至上-斯普利鹿脂活络膏 斯普利鹿脂活络膏是采用鹿仅有的油脂加入新西兰天然草药油合成。鹿的油脂稀少而珍贵,对皮肤及肌肉的渗透力强,而且能润养肌肤。 【功效】:舒筋活络止痛。对风湿骨痛,关节屈伸不利;跌打劳损;运动扭伤或肌肉酸痛,有显著、快速疗效。 【成份】:鹿脂油、鹿蹄筋精华、姜油、薄荷油、丁香油、玉树油等。 【特点】:1.成份天然— 仅有鹿脂褐新西兰天然草油制成,没有其他添加剂。2.渗透力强,无色无味— 渗透力强,可直达患处,此药膏的味道极清,减少了公共因药味而引起的尴尬。3.滋润皮肤— 一般的膏药不宜长期涂抹,易造成皮肤敏感,但此活络膏的鹿脂滋养成分,对皮肤不造成刺激,可长期使用。 【貯存】:请置放于密封阴冷处。 【品質及安全保証】新西兰至上天然食品有限公司为新西兰斯普利鹿脂活络膏唯一生产厂商。本公司持有新西兰国家林农部特许PH435准证,危机管理证书(RMP)及要点控制管理(HACCP). 【包裝】50克淨重